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Burglary is one of the most common types of crime. It’s when someone breaks into a building with the intention of stealing goods, committing unlawful damage or hurting someone.

Burglary isn’t always a one-off event, either – some people are burgled several times and can be subjected to other crimes such as harassment or hate crime.

There’s an obvious financial impact of burglary, but it can also negatively affect your emotional wellbeing and sense of security.

My house has been burgled – what should I do?

Crime scene tape with police in the background

Start by calling the police, because they’ll need to come and gather evidence as soon as possible. Make sure you get a crime reference from them at the time so you can make a legitimate home insurance claim, if required.

Speak to us. We’re here to help you with anything you need.

In order to reduce the impact of burglary on you and your loved ones, ensure you:

  • get your home secured as quickly as possible and, if renting, tell you landlord of any repairs that are required;
  • find ways to make your home more secure in the future – for example, leaving lights and the radio on and checking that all windows and doors are locked whenever you head out; and
  • inform government departments, banks and other organisations if you’ve had important documents stolen (for instance – passports, bank cards, bank statements, benefit books or smartphones).

How should I expect to feel after I’ve been burgled?

Lady looking at her laptop in a coffee shop

Even if you haven’t had anything stolen, the idea of a stranger entering your home can feel like a violation of your personal space and can be very distressing.

It’s not uncommon to blame yourself in such instances, or feel that you were in some way ‘tricked’ by the burglar, but it’s never your fault. No one has the right to enter your property – even if it was unlocked.

Children can be frightened by burglary and may need extra reassurance that things are going to be ok, even if they don’t appear to talk much about what’s happened. Our specialist counsellors can help children and young people cope after burglary.

No matter how you feel, speaking to someone who can offer help, support and advice may assist you in coming to terms with what’s happened. That’s why we’re here for you – always.

How can Victim Care help?

Friends having coffee sitting at a table

We can help you by providing:

  • emotional support (to help deal with the side effects of burglary);
  • practical help (filling out forms, dealing with insurance, and more);
  • advice on locks, repairs and security systems;
  • assistance with support agencies such as the police;
  • information about the court procedure; and
  • contact information for other organisations that might be able to help.
Contact us to find out how we can help.